Friday, September 23, 2011

Another Day's Work & Ready for the Weekend!

Yesterday's To-Do list was fortunately tackled 100%.
Here is a Randall off to its new home:

And here is the stack of fabric that will soon become Lucies and Kimballs:

Tonight is date night, dinner followed by a stand up show (!), so no To-Do list for tonight. Tomorrow we are off to our waxed cotton supplier for a re-up then that stack of fabric up there becomes bags.
That will complete the Lucies and Kimballs, and the Margots are next. I have one done the way we will be offering them online and it is a beaut! I made the base a little deeper and recessed the D rings for the adjustable strap. That way when you are carrying it with no strap those are hidden.
I'll try to put more previews up as we snap some pictures, but I don't want to ruin the surprise for the big launch, so you'll have to be patient! More later...

1 comment:

Christy Peffly said...

I just can't wait to see how these come out! I know they'll be great. Good job building the suspense! :)